Queen Elizabeth II strips Harvey Weinstein of CBE honor

Queen Elizabeth II strips Harvey Weinstein of CBE honor
Photo: YUI MOK/AFP via Getty Images

In what we can only assume will turn out to be the most dispiriting thing to happen to him during his 23-year-prison sentence to date, former Hollywood mega-producer and current convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein will no longer be able to insist his fellow inmates refer to him by his proper title, Harvey Weinstein, Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. That’s per Entertainment Weekly, which reports that The Crown’s Queen Elizabeth II has formally stripped Weinstein of his title, which he was granted in 2004 in recognition of his contributions to the British film industry. (Which we can only assume is a fancy way of saying “co-produced Shakespeare In Love.”)

The official notice of the cancellation states that “The Queen has directed that the appointment of Harvey Weinstein to be an Honorary Commander of the Civil Division of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, dated January 19 2004, shall be cancelled and annulled and that his name shall be erased from the Register of the said Order.” And while it definitely feels like it took a second for Weinstein, convicted back in February, in what may very well be the last satisfying thing to have happened in America for the foreseeable future, to have this particular honor removed—he lost his honorary doctorate and his knighthood in the French Legion Of Honour back in 2017, when the massive allegations against him were first dragged out into the light—it’s still pretty obviously a good thing that he no longer has (even honorary) power in a mostly imaginary organization. Even if it does presumably drop his social standing among his fellow felons.

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