Queens Of The Stone Age kicked out of rehab

This story sounds too good to be true—which means it's probably not—but what the hell, it's funny: NME is reporting that Queens Of The Stone Age were invited to play an intimate show at an "unnamed Los Angeles drying out clinic" last week, apparently booked by someone who had never actually heard the band's music. When Josh Homme and Co. started their set with the classic "Feel Good Hit Of The Summer" (with the famous lyrics, "Nicotine, valium, vicodin, marijuana, ecstasy and alcohol… c-c-c-c-c-cocaine"), the show came to an "abrupt and chaotic end," with the band being forcibly ejected and "manhandled out of the building by heavy security." Sounds like an urban legend in the making, but if the story is true, of course, then QOTSA is officially the coolest band alive.

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