Quit asking James Gunn about the Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 trailer

Guardians Of The Galaxy director James Gunn seems like a big fan of social media, at least in the sense that he uses it a lot to share his various musings, cat photos, and favorite music-less music videos, but lately he’s been having to deal with a significant uptick in people who respond to everything he posts with questions about when the trailer for Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 will come out. Contrary to what people may think, asking for something over and over again won’t actually make it happen sooner—which is something that fans of George R.R. Martin’s A Song Of Ice And Fire series learned quite a years ago. Now, Gunn has posted a message on his Facebook page asking people to cut it out and just be patient:

Unfortunately for Gunn, though, he has now walked right into one of the most obvious traps the internet can pull. By asking people not to do something, he has guaranteed that someone will do it just for a laugh. Sure enough, one of the earliest comments on the post is someone asking when they get to see the trailer:

Of course, that’s not just any someone, that’s his brother—who plays Kraglin the Ravager in the movie—which actually is pretty funny.

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