R2-D2 falls in love with a mailbox in a new fan-made film

R2-D2 falls in love with a mailbox in a new fan-made film

The idea of R2-D2 needing a love interest may seem a little half-baked, especially since the little guy clearly already has a companion in C-3PO. But let’s get real: It would never work out in the long run for R2 and his adventure buddy. R2 is short, rounded, and speaks in bleeps and bloops. C-3PO is tall, golden, speaks with a British accent, is uncomfortably neurotic, and a bit overbearing. It was just a matter of time before R2-D2 found someone a little more his speed.

And that’s where this little fan film begins, with R2-D2 looking for love on the streets of San Francisco and finding someone that’s closer to his height and color scheme. Usually when sparks fly, it means R2 is shorting out, but not today.

Titled “Artoo In Love” and written and directed by Ethan Atherton, R2-D2 meets a USPS mailbox and woos it through flowers, a picnic, defense against people trying to use it for its typically appropriate means, and sheltering it from the rain. But when things go south, R2-D2 gets a lesson in looking for love in the right places.

[via The Daily Dot]

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