Racist asshole vandalizes LeBron James’ house

As reported by TMZ, a house in Los Angeles owned by LeBron James was vandalized early this morning, with someone spray painting a racist message involving the n-word on his front gate. TMZ says the police have been asking neighbors for security footage that may show the racist asshole behind this, but it doesn’t sound like anyone has been charged yet. James was not in the house at the time, as he and the Cleveland Cavaliers are in San Francisco preparing to play the Golden State Warriors in the NBA Finals, but TMZ says he probably doesn’t stay in the L.A. house “on any regular basis” either way.

The Hollywood Reporter received separate confirmation of the vandalism from the LAPD, with a representative confirming that the painted message was “racist in nature.” James has also commented on what happened, noting that his family is safe and that “racism will always be part of the world.” He went on to say that “being black in America, it’s tough,” and that “we have a long way to go for us as a society and for us as African Americans until we feel equal.” The vandalism is also reportedly being investigated as a hate crime.

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