Radiohead's Jonny Greenwood to score the new P.T. Anderson movie (which is totally NOT about Scientology wink wink)

Do we need to catch you up on the movie itself first? Okay: P.T. Anderson, the batting-a-thousand genius auteur behind Boogie Nights, Magnolia, and There Will Be Blood will release a new movie next year called The Master, which is reportedly about a cult-like "faith-based organization" that's in no way based on Scientology. (Ahem?) The film stars Anderson mainstay Philip Seymour Hoffman along with Amy Adams and Joaquin Phoenix. (Also: W. Earl Brown! You should read our Random Roles with him if you haven't already.)

Anyway, that's old news. The comprehensive P.T. Anderson fansite Cigarettes And Red Vines is reporting (via some Twitter sleuthing) that Radiohead's Jonny Greenwood will provide the score. As you'll recall, Greenwood did the music for There Will Be Blood, a.k.a. The A.V. Club's third-best film of the 2000s. The Master will most likely be released in late 2012, so don't get your thetans in a bundle before then.

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