Rage Against The Machine is up to something

Presumably of its own accord (“fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me,” am I right?), Rage Against The Machine seems to be warming up for another spin around the political rap-rock track. According to Pitchfork, the group, which has been inactive since 2011, has launched a new website, prophetsofrage.com—which appears to be down right now—with a “countdown clock” counting down the days until June 1. Upon entering their email address, visitors receive a message with this image:

Someone has also apparently been plastering posters with the image around Los Angeles, so if this is a hoax someone’s spending a lot of money on it. And for you Public Enemy fans out there who recognize the lyric from “Prophets of Rage,” from It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back: Chuck D is apparently in on the whole thing, as he tweeted out links to RATM live shows last night. Of course, Chuck D is pretty active on Twitter in general, so it might have been a coincidence. But that’s just what they want you to think, man. Bulls on parade!

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