Rainn Wilson joins Star Trek: Discovery as a classic Trek character

Now that the crew of Star Trek: Discovery has been recruited in full, it’s time for the CBS All Access show to start adding the colorful characters that will make space exploration fun (when not dangerous). First up is Rainn Wilson, whom Variety reports has joined the cast as the intergalactic scalawag, Harry Mudd. The character—full name Harcourt Fenton Mudd—appeared in two episodes of The Original Series and one episode of The Animated Series. Played by Roger C. Carmel, Mudd was a known smuggler, who even drugged and trafficked women at one point, so he’s just a mite worse than Dwight Schrute. But since Discovery takes place 10 years before the events of TOS, Wilson’s iteration might not be quite so steeped in illegal activity. There’s currently no word on how many episodes Wilson is set to appear in.

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