Randy Travis arrested drunk and naked, as life continues to be sad country song

Often credited with bringing back the traditional country sounds of singers like George Jones and Merle Haggard, Randy Travis has had a year that's also put him in the company of some of their exploits—as well as providing potential lyrical grist for bittersweet country tunes to come. Following a previous public intoxication charge in February (and amid a particularly nasty divorce from his former wife and manager), Travis was arrested and charged with DWI last night in Tioga, Texas, after officers found the singer lying on the road after crashing his 1998 Pontiac Trans Am. Travis was also reportedly completely naked, though a sheriff's office spokesman was unclear on "whether Travis was discovered naked or somehow disrobed later."

They were similarly uncertain on how Travis sustained the black eye and many cuts seen above in his mug shot, though they do know one thing that is totally coincidental and probably not at all related: At one point, Travis allegedly threatened to "shoot and kill" the arresting officers, leading to felony retaliation and obstruction charges to go with his DWI. Travis is currently out on bail after posting a $21,500 bond. Hopefully he will recover and put this all behind him, and begin working out rhymes for "naked in Tioga."

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