Rashida Jones can't stop selling TV shows

It's shaping up to be a busy year for Rashida Jones. She's still got a few more episodes of Parks And Recreation on the way, she's just finished shooting Salsa-dancing comedy Cuban Fury with Nick Frost and Chris O'Dowd, and she can't stop selling pilots for TV shows.

Jones already has Stuck heading to Fox, and The Revengers (formerly titled Ladyballs) to The CW, and she's just completed the hat trick by selling Girls Without Boys to ABC. (Only CBS is left out in the cold; surely Jones could spare some free time to run The Amazing Race, or kill someone on CSI or something.) Her newest show is co-written by fellow celebrity spawn Sasha Spielberg (daughter of Steven), Emily Goldwyn (her grandfather was the "G" in "MGM"), and it's based loosely on their own collective experience attending a prestigious all-girls school in Hollywood. The show concerns "three brilliant but socially challenged girls" who know everything except how to talk to boys. As far as we know, Jones will not star in Girls Without Boys, or any of her other shows, but hopefully she'll stop slacking soon and sell at least six pilots next season.

Until then, just to keep busy, Jones is also writing Frenemy Of The State with her usual writing partner Will McCormack. That film is based on a comic book series Jones wrote a few years ago while also shooting Parks And Rec, climbing Mt. McKinley, finishing her novel, and developing a new cancer treatment. Both the comic (and the film) concern an heiress who has a double life working for the CIA, which is probably something else Jones finds the time to do.

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