Read a series of exceptionally creepy fan letters sent to Whitney Houston in 1988

It’s par for the course for celebrities to have creepy fans, but Whitney Houston had at least one that was a total loon. The FBI just released its file on the singer, which includes a series of letters sent by Houston’s team to the agency back in 1988. The letters, written by an unidentified fan in Vermont, start out innocuous enough, but eventually devolve into intricate claims that the author is madly in love with the singer. The writer—who ends every letter with the exceptionally creepy phrase “please keep smiling”— is so desperate to hear back that he or she “might hurt someone with some crazy idea and not realize how stupid an idea it is until after I have done it.”

According to the documents, the FBI actually took these threats pretty seriously, and both fingerprinted the letters and interviewed the writer, who claimed to have no intention of ever hurting Houston’s family or friends. [via Letters Of Note]

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