Read This: An oral history of The Kids In The Hall 

Legendary Canadian sketch comedy group The Kids In The Hall reunited for a five-show run at the Toronto Sketch Comedy Festival last weekend. In case you couldn’t make the trip up north, those shows were ostensibly geared as a tune-up for a potential 2014 tour, so hopefully the Kids will be swinging through cities everywhere sometime soon. In the shameless plug department, A.V. Club contributor and former Toronto city editor John Semley put together an extensive oral history and timeline of The Kids In The Hall for Now Toronto. Featuring quotes from Dave Foley, Kevin McDonald, Mark McKinney, Bruce McCulloch, Scott Thompson, and Luciano Casimiri, it covers the origins of the group as two separate troupes, a brief split as the actors pursued career opportunities elsewhere, the CBC series, and the ill-fated production of the criminally underrated Brain Candy film. This is the best possible introduction to The Kids as they seemingly prepare to remount a full tour, and we’re not just saying that because we know John.

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