Read this: Meet the QAnon illustrator mapping out the Deep State's wild web of conspiracies

Read this: Meet the QAnon illustrator mapping out the Deep State's wild web of conspiracies

Makes total sense when you frame it like that. Screenshot: Deep State Mapping Project

At this point in the game, one could be forgiven for thinking that this whole QAnon thing might be complete and utter hivemind horseshit, and not one man’s heroic intel leaks from within the inner sanctum of U.S. government detailing pedophilic pizza shops and Donald Trump’s four-dimensional chess machinations. Sure, one could be forgiven for thinking that, but have they seen the Q-Web?

Still not convinced, huh? That’s okay, neither are we. But a terrifying number of people still are, which is probably one of the reasons the End of the World Review’s Sam Jaffe Goldstein recently interviewed Dylan Louis Monroe, creator of the Deep State Mapping Project. The DSMP is about exactly what it sounds like: A vast, intricate detailing of nefarious Illuminati types, 5G cell tower radiation, and microchip implants disguised as COVID-19 vaccinations. Monroe’s website also includes a Gordian Knot of conspiracy threads—see above—known as the Q-Web, which appears to connect pretty much every single batshit theory from the past 200 years to the current mother of all batshit theories. But just what kind of person would take the time to make such a strangely beautiful, if totally ridiculous, infographic series? A former freelance fashion designer for Marc Jacobs and Parsons School of Design graduate, apparently.

“I did continue doing some freelance illustrations for Hugo Boss for several years. That ended immediately when I started the Deep State Mapping Project. I’m not sure if that’s because they found out about it,” Monroe tells Goldstein in a wide-ranging and fascinating interview detailing one person’s descent into the quasi-religion of QAnon.

“It takes a lot of strategy to defeat this Luciferian Cabal that has been in power. I think a lot of [Trump’s] first term has been preparation for taking down that Cabal, so that we can roll out the energy technologies,” explains Monroe.

We really don’t have the time dissect all of that just now, but we would recommend reading the whole interview for more insight into what goes on in the mind of a QAnon diehard.

[via Boing Boing]

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