Read This: Science attempts to explain why rock stars do drugs

The Internet is full of interesting things to read outside of The A.V. Club—no, really! In our periodic Read This posts, we point you toward interesting or noteworthy pieces that caught our eye.

Rock stars old and new finally have legitimate scientific reasons for the drug and alcohol addictions they've suffered/enjoyed throughout the decades, says science. According to a study led by University Of Oxford psychologist Robin Dunbar, the "active performance of music" triggers an endorphin release that results in an increase in "post-activity pain tolerance." Dunbar used pain tolerance as a means to measure endorphin release and ultimately found that those performing music—not those listening—are nearly always susceptible to a post-show high, making them similarly more prone to the pursuit of maintaining that high after the show.

But don't take our word for it: read Scott Douglas' article in The Atlantic for the full scoop.

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