Read this: Twitter legend "Pixelated Boat" shares the 10 funniest things they've seen online

Read this: Twitter legend "Pixelated Boat" shares the 10 funniest things they've seen online
Photo: photovideostock

Aside from dril, there is perhaps no funnier account on Twitter than Pixelated Boat. Since 2015, Pixelated Boat (who is also the creator of the equally great online comic strip, One Giant Hand) has been a reliable source of ridiculous online pranks, including convincing way too many people that Trump watches something called the Gorilla Channel. (They also coined the phrase “milkshake duck,” which went on to become officially recognized by an Australian dictionary as one of its “Words of the Year.”) Anyway, they know comedy, which is probably why The Guardian tasked the person behind the account with chronicling the 10 funniest things they’ve ever seen online.

Take, for instance, this list of “American” baseball player names created by a Japanese game developer in the ‘90's after they couldn’t license actual MLB team members. “This is a perfect list of American names,” Pixelated Boat writes. “Some people will tell you that Bobson Dugnutt is the best name on the list, but in my opinion the real star is Mike Truk. Mike Truk doesn’t exist but nonetheless I firmly believe he is the greatest American who ever lived.

There’s so many other (okay, technically nine) great entries on their list—we’re partial to the doll that only says “skin”—so it’s essential reading for anyone needing a reminder that not everything on this godforsaken digital medium is horrible. Check it out here.

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