Real-life Homer Simpson is here to haunt you the rest of your waking days

Over decades of TV episodes, Homer Simpson has earned an important place in pop culture. A picture of his lightbulb head immediately creates a warm, pleasant sensation: he is a generation’s ur-Dad, he is charmingly stupid, and he’s reassuring in his familiarity. Regardless of The Simpsonsrecent quality, his cartoon face has simply been around long enough to generate largely positive feelings.

Well, prepare to have all of that blown to bright yellow bits because artist/nightmare weaver Miguel Vasquez is here to share his interpretation of Homer “in real life.”

Obviously, there’s a lot to take in. Vasquez’ Homer, bloodshot eyes threatening to explode, gunshot-like from their strained, wrinkled sockets, will never leave your mind again. Each new section of the 3D model is a fresh horror, from the baby ears nestled at the nexus of sallow, veiny flesh and inky, doglike hair to the wide, wide mouth whose lips are like a rotting casket just barely hiding the grim secrets of a long, cavernous mouth. It’s a potent image—something that seems to be designed only to torment.

It is also, we’re duty bound to report, just the latest product of Vasquez’ evil toils. The artist has a full portfolio of cartoon characters rendered in this more realistic style.

Here, for your enjoyment, is, SpongeBob SquarePants:

SpongeBob’s friends have also awakened, stirring from the depths of the sea like the biblical leviathan, Antichrist astride them to usher in the End of Days.

There is also Nigel Thornberry, removed from his cartoon origins to scuttle, instead, from one corner of your imagination to another, forevermore.

Of course there is more. Vasquez has summoned an entire menagerie of terrors and contained them (for now) through his Instagram and Twitter accounts. His work makes monsters out of Phineas And Ferb, Ed, Edd, N Eddy, and oh so much more. It shows no sign of stopping until either every cherished cartoon character has crossed into our world or humanity is extinguished, saving us from ourselves.

[via Mashable]

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