Rejoice: Morrissey has joined Twitter

Twitter is a writerly platform, and as such can sometimes provide a bit too much transparency into the way our favorite (and least favorite) celebrities behave. Nothing kills the allure of fame like seeing that famous person retweeting unfunny self-promotion alongside a crying emoji. But if ever there were a public figure who would make the most of Twitter, it’d be Morrissey, famously grumpy, pithy, erudite, and opinionated, which makes the new verified account @officialmoz, currently sitting with a total of zero tweets, such a cause for celebration.

Morrissey has a new album out November 17, and the distinct possibility exists that this will be a blandly promotional account helmed by his marketing team. There was also a briefly verified illegitimate account in 2014 that Morrissey quickly declared “bogus.” But if it is the real Moz, he’ll be a welcome addition to Twitter, the social media service most deserving of his characteristic misanthropy.

[via Pitchfork]

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