Relive the coin-op glory days with this arcade-themed photo set

For those of a certain era and disposition, the Flickr pool Growing Up In Arcades: 1979-1989 conjures up memories of entire weekends and after-school hours consumed with turning hard-earned allowance dollars into countless hours of pinball, air hockey, and cabinet play. It’s a glimpse into a time when the arcade was a massive, multi-billion dollar entertainment fixture–crazy ‘70s and ‘80s fashion, seediness, and all. You can practically smell the cigarette smoke. And for those who were a little too young to have enjoyed the heights of the arcade era personally, the collection is a window into the inspiration for recent pop culture hits like Wreck-It Ralph, only with fewer fanciful cartoons and more pizza parties and knife fights. [via Neatorama]

Photo by Flickr user Sulaco99

Photo by Flickr user Sulaco99.

Photo by Flickr user Kevin R.

Photo by Flickr user Sulaco99.

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