Remember what it was like to enjoy things with people with some vintage Avengers: Endgame audience reactions

Remember what it was like to enjoy things with people with some vintage Avengers: Endgame audience reactions
Photo: Disney

As these past few weeks have painfully reminded so many of us, the need for positive social interactions is ingrained in pretty much every human. While millions are currently making due with digital workarounds like Skype, FaceTime, and Zoom karaoke sessions, it’s very clear those still pale in comparison to good old fashioned, in-person hangouts.

See, as someone recently pointed out on Twitter, there was once a time where people congregated (in person, no less!) to enjoy things together. Check out these cellphone videos of people in a crowded movie theater flipping their shit during the climax of Avengers: Endgame, and try not to wistfully sigh at others’ reactions to the simple, quaint entertainments of yore.

Well, would you look at that: People enjoying themselves en masse! In a public setting! Man, weren’t those the days? You can also relive the whole montage of genuine human emotion below:

Oh, how we yearn for the bygone era when all we had to worry about was a demented game show host-turned-President picking over the carcass of our national healthcare system, and not a demented game show host-turned-President picking over the carcass of our national healthcare system during a deadly pandemic.

Avengers assemble?

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