Rev up your engines and watch this supercut of X-wing pilots riding into the "Danger Zone"

The Star Wars compilation shows the series' pilots heading into battle to the Top Gun theme

Rev up your engines and watch this supercut of X-wing pilots riding into the
The Rebel Alliance preparing to take it right into the danger zone. Screenshot: Jackson McKay

Somehow, despite Top Gun and Star Wars having both existed since the former’s 1986 release, it took until 2020 for the internet to realize how perfectly the two go together. Though we’d have been content just to hear a bunch of assholish Maverick dialogue edited over Han Solo smirking for a couple of minutes or some important character building scenes mixed up to include Luke in the bacta tank, YouTuber Jackson McKay found an even better crossover in a supercut of X-wing pilots flying around to the rousing sounds of Kenny Loggins’ “Danger Zone.”

The video, which was made last year and has resurfaced thanks to a Digg post, understands that there’s no better way to capture the mortal thrills of space combat than hearing a man reach deep into his soul to sing death-erotica about “metal under tension” and “shoving into overdrive.”

McKay uses footage from Rogue One and the rest of the non-prequel (non-Solo) Star Wars movies to show the Rebel Alliance scrambling into their X-wings, flying perilous missions, and dogfighting enemy forces in showers of space lasers. (Sadly, none of them take a Polaroid while doing cool tricks in front of the Death Star.) The combination of music and film is so powerful that somewhere John Williams, sensing a disturbance, trembles in fear for the legacy of his original score.

How it’s taken until now for this video to exist is anyone’s guess. We’ve had Star Wars mashed up with Arrested Development, Back To The Future, Mario Kart, and a seemingly endless list of other songs. That we had to wait nearly 35 years for Kenny Loggins to enter the galaxy far, far away is unfathomable.

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