Reznor slams Radiohead

And you thought all this In Rainbows crap was over: During an interview last week, Nine Inch Nails' Trent Reznor condemned Radiohead for its moderately historic release of In Rainbows. Thom Yorke and company, of course, released the album late last year as a pay-what-you-will download weeks before making it available as a conventional CD. Reznor–who earlier this month released a 36-track, download-only work titled Ghost I-IV, one that netted him $1.6 million in its first week–called Radiohead's experiment "insincere" and a "bait and switch," then accused the British band of shrewdly getting fans "to pay for a MySpace quality stream as a way to promote a very traditional record sale… I don't see that as a big revolution they're kind of getting credit for." Of course, the more cynical among us might theorize that this whole brouhaha is just another way of keeping Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails–the two headliners of this year's Lollapalooza–rolling in free ink between now and August. Not that we'd ever be taken in by such a cheap trick.

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