Richard Lloyd leaving Television for his Monkey

Some of you musicians could learn a thing or two about self-promotion from Television guitarist Richard Lloyd, who really goes all out in this interview with about Radiant Monkey (which Lloyd insists we refer to simply as RM), his forthcoming solo album. Some highlights:

– describing the album: "It's good. It's as good as any record. It's a perfect record. As a personal statement, it's as strong as (Television's) Marquee Moon or (the Jimi Hendrix Experience's) Axis: Bold as Love or (Patti Smith's) Horses … anything you can think of."

– on the "really hot" promotional campaign he's devising: "There's philosophy involved in RM," he says. "There's religion involved in RM. There's a board game and a dance. I can't tell you about it because that would spoil the surprise. And everyone likes surprises, don't they?"

– on leaving Television following their June 16 appearance at New York's Central Park SummerStage: "[I'm leaving] in order to concentrate my own magnetic force and supernatural powers on my own career."

Indeed, humility is overrated.

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