Rick Santorum is making a movie about the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision

As everyone who wasn’t too busy today buying scrapbooking supplies or whatever already knows, the Supreme Court decided that the government can’t force some “family-owned” companies—specifically Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties—to pay for their employees’ contraceptives if they don’t fall under the company’s “religious beliefs.” We’re not going to get into it here, because that’s what Facebook and Twitter are for, but it’s a whole big thing.

Anyway, according to The Hollywood Reporter, someone is already making a documentary about the Supreme Court’s decision and how it’s a victory for certain religious people. That someone is former Presidential candidate Rick Santorum, who now runs a faith-based movie studio called EchoLight in a desperate attempt to become famous for something other than the two things he’s already famous for (losing to Mitt Romney and that other thing).

The Hobby Lobby stuff is only one part of a larger documentary, titled One Generation Away: The Erosion of Religious Liberty, which will focus on how “the free expression of Christianity has lately been taking a backseat to free speech, government expansion and political correctness.” Yes, it’s always a shame when something takes a backseat to free speech, lest the small number of people who have no right to control the country lose their ability to control the country. And watch out for that political correctness, a phrase most-often used by people who are offended that they’re not allowed to offend whomever they want.

One Generation Away will feature “interviews with several experts on the topic of religious freedom”, including Fox News talking head Mike Huckabee, a man who once offered to let fictional character Stephen Colbert be his running mate in a presidential election. Ronald Reagan will also make an appearance, because this would be like an episode of Game Of Thrones without full-frontal nudity if he didn’t.

EchoLight will debut the movie in churches across the country before unleashing it to destroy the political correctness of traditional theaters in September. You can see a trailer for it below, which not only compares the United States to Nazi Germany, but also features an extremely subtle visual metaphor where two guys in suits literally cut down a cross. Just like how the government is killing Christianity by constantly catering to it!

OGA Trailer 1 from EchoLight Studios on Vimeo.

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