Ring in 2013 with floats covered in beautiful, beautiful flowers

Here’s what’s up in the world of TV for Tuesday, January 1. All times are Eastern.

The 2013 Rose Parade(various networks, 11 a.m.): We weren’t going to put this one in here, because it’s called “What’s On Tonight” and this will already be over by the time this post hits Newswire, but Erik Adams, clearly going through WOT withdrawal, e-mailed us last night to say that today’s top pick needed to be “Rose Parade or GTFO.” Far be it from us to not feed Adams’ rapacious hunger for flower-covered floats by making the parade the top pick and posting a photo of one here. Anyway, watch this if you like floats, marching bands, or anthropologist Jane Goodall, who’s serving as grand marshal. And who doesn’t like Jane Goodall?

Parenthood (NBC, 10 p.m.): Realizing that it needs to roll out four episodes of Parenthood before it can start airing Smash again, NBC has scheduled a new one tonight, airing after two straight hours of Betty White’s Off Their Rockers. Todd VanDerWerff recommends you check your DVR’s upcoming recordings.

Ben And Kate (Fox, 8 p.m.): This sweet, enjoyable comedy about an odd couple brother and sister was one of the few shows to debut in 2012 and also make our top 30 list for the year. Check out two straight episodes of the show, then lament that nobody else in America seems aware it even exists.

The Surrogacy Trap (Lifetime Movie Network, 8 p.m.): Thinking about having a baby via a surrogate mother? Get yourself needlessly worked up with this new made-for-TV movie about a couple that discover its surrogate is cah-ray-hay-zy. Consider it the Lifetime Movie Network’s New Year’s gift to you!

Dual Survival (Discovery, 9 p.m.): Discovery’s latest survival series begins its third season by sending the hosts into an inhospitable Chilean desert surprisingly similar to the Martian landscape. Also, Joe Teti joins the cast. Any relation to Gameological Society editor John Teti? What if they’re one and the same?!

Emily Owens, M.D. (The CW, 9 p.m.): Well, Hollywood’s long quest to get Mamie Gummer a medical drama that sticks failed again, as this show was canceled, and The CW is now just burning its episodes off willy nilly. If you really liked its “hospitals are like high school!” shtick, enjoy it while you still can.

The Sisterhood (TLC, 9 p.m.): This new series about preacher’s wives in Atlanta has already proved surprisingly controversial, perhaps for suggesting that preacher’s wives don’t spend all day meditating on the true meaning of Deuteronomy, either the book of the Bible or the character from Cats.

Great Performances (PBS, 9:30 p.m.): Joel Grey narrates a new documentary about the Jewish contribution to American musical theatre, or, if you’ve noticed our frequent musical theatre jokes in this feature, what we like to refer to as “What’s On Tonight’s favorite new show!” Ooooooooooklahoma!

My Week With Marilyn (TMC, 8 p.m.): We haven’t seen this one, but we liked watching Michelle Williams pretend to be Marilyn Monroe in the trailers, because we think she at least got the voice pretty much down. Other than that, we’re sure it’s just the usual biopic foofaraw, and you can probably skip it.

The Pianist (Showtime 2, 8 p.m.): Adrien Brody and Roman Polanski both won Academy Awards for their work on this riveting Holocaust drama, about a Jewish musician who goes into hiding once the Nazis sweep across Europe, then struggles to stay alive through the hell that follows. It’s terrific.

The Pink Panther (TCM, 8 p.m.): Blake Edwards directed this enjoyable romp about jewel thieves that is, sadly, to our minds when we were 7-year-olds, not about an animated pink panther getting into scrapes and wacky shenanigans. But even without a cartoon panther, you’ve got Peter Sellers at his best.

College bowl games (ABC and ESPN networks, 12 p.m.): New Year’s Day isn’t quite the same as it was 20 years ago, now that the bowls have been spread out a bit, but you can still spend the better part of the day watching many of college football’s best teams face off. Grab some snacks and settle in.

Community (May): We didn’t put this in Best of TV Club for Todd VanDerWerff’s review, which is average at best. We put it there because you guys put over 130,000 comments (and growing!) on there over the rest of the year. Go in and leave a comment or two. Be a part of history. Or something like it.

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