RIP Harvey Korman (1927 - 2008)

RIP Harvey Korman (1927 - 2008)

Harvey Korman, the comic actor who gained fame via The Carol Burnett Show and Mel Brooks movies, has died at the age of 81. Tall and priggish in demeanor but unafraid to humiliate himself for a laugh, Korman served as a comic foil to Danny Kaye, Burnett, and Tim Conway, his Burnett show co-star. His best known part for Brooks was as Hedy Lamarr in Blazing Saddle. Sorry, that's Hedley Lamarr. (And, yes, we think he should have been nominated for Best Supporting Actor that year.)

Here's a link to Reuters' obit.

And a classic clip in which Korman can't quite contain himself:

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