Rise Against: Appeal To Reason

Rise Against: Appeal To Reason

Re-Education (Through Labor) – Rise Against

Rise Against grew up on a steady diet of Black Flag,
Descendents, and Minor Threat, but with 2004's "Swing Life Away," the Chicago
band demonstrated that by translating such influences to acoustic guitar, it
could find a surprisingly warm reception at mainstream radio. Two years later, The
Sufferer & The Witness
proved the band could sustain mass appeal not just through ballads, but
through a string of faster, more politically charged singles that flirted with
modern rock without forsaking the band's hardcore roots. On Appeal To Reason, however, that flirtation gives way
to full-on romance: After a charging opener, "Collapse (Post-Amerika)," that finds vocalist Tim McIlrath belting out
America-as-Rome metaphors in especially galvanizing form, Rise Against
downshifts into a series of mid-paced tunes (including another acoustic ballad,
"Hero Of War") that use melodic-hardcore traditions primarily as exclamation
points. Longtime fans need not worry: Uptempo anthems like "Savior," "Kotov
Syndrome," and "Entertainment" should satisfy anyone still uneasy about Rise
Against's radio aspirations. And for the wider world that may have trouble
swallowing a song accusing the Bush administration of fascism (first single
"Re-Education (Through Labor)"), some wah-wah pedals, a big chorus, and a bit
of post-grunge sheen provide the necessary spoonful of sugar.

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