Rob Lowe is getting roasted

Get your jokes about sex tapes, Snow White, and failed TV shows ready, because Rob Lowe is about to get roasted. Comedy Central has announced that the Grinder and Parks And Recreation star will be the subject of its next Celebrity Roast, the network’s annual arcane ritual to keep Jeff Ross’ comedy career alive.

Lowe—who’s perfected a persona of smiling honesty about his various personal and career foibles, one that’ll hopefully serve him well as the comics of today and celebrities of yesterday rake him over his life’s most well-trod coals—issued his own self-effacing statement about the announcement today. “What a thrill to once again be following in Justin Bieber’s footsteps,” the actor began, referring to last year’s exercise in fake good cheer, which was only briefly livened up by all the fucks comic Hannibal Buress refused to give. “I look forward to a night of hilarious jokes recycled from the James Franco Roast,” Lowe continued. “I would like to express my gratitude to the members of my family who have passed away and therefore will not have to endure what promises to be a very special evening.”

Comedy Central has yet to announce a taping or air date for the roast, or the line-up of comedians who’ll be forced to live up to Norm MacDonald’s legendary “anti-roast” of Bob Saget from 2008, still the high bar in the art of professional celebrity mocking.

[via Variety]

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