Robbie Amell and Rachael Taylor to star in time travel thriller for Netflix

Netflix has wrangled a pair of nerd-approved comic book TV stars for its new time travel thriller ARQ, with The Flashs Robbie Amell and Jessica Jones alum Rachael Taylor both signing on for the new science fiction film. The pair will star together in the post-apocalyptic tale, in which they both become trapped in a time loop as masked raiders attempt to Purge their way into their fortified home.

Amell—who plays Ronnie Raymond on the CW speedster show—will star as an engineer who’s apparently found a source of clean, renewable energy that could be the salvation of a post-oil world. (Except for the part where it might also be chewing its way through the fabric of the space-time continuum like some sort of history-devouring time moth.) Taylor, meanwhile, doesn’t have a named character as of yet, but will presumably be employing some of that Trish Walker can-do-it-iveness to help break herself and her friends out of this Mad Max meets Groundhog Day loop.

The film is being written and directed by Tony Elliott, a story editor and writer for Orphan Black. ARQ is expected to start filming this winter.

[via The Hollywood Reporter]

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