Robert De Niro's the latest prominent Democrat to get mailed a pipe bomb

Robert De Niro hasn’t been shy to denounce our messy president as “a fucking fool,” not-so-cleverly labeling him the “jerk-off in chief.” But, as Trump himself chose not to learn this week, words matter, and the consequences for executing one’s first amendment rights, it appears, is death by explosion. This morning, De Niro found himself the latest left-leaning public figure to be mailed a “suspicious package” carrying what appears to be an explosive device.

CNBC reports that the package was mailed to New York City’s Tribeca Grill, a restaurant co-owned by De Niro. A building worker reported the package at 4 a.m. this morning, and the city’s bomb squad swiftly removed the package from the building. No evacuation was necessary, as the eatery was closed.

Like previous suspicious packages mailed in recent days, De Niro’s envelope was marked as being sent by left-leaning U.S. Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Yesterday, a package meant for former Attorney General Eric Holder was returned to her Florida office.

Other prominent Democrats mailed explosive packages this week were Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, U.S. Representative Maxine Waters, billionaire George Soros, and former CIA director John Brennan, whose package was mailed to CNN’s Manhattan bureau. CNBC also reports that two packages addressed to former vice president Joe Biden were also found this morning. All have been vocal critics of Trump.

As The Daily Beast points out, at least one of the explosives was stamped with a meme featuring a parody of an ISIS flag that’s been known to circulate in right-wing, pro-Trump online forums.

We’re glad no one’s been blown up.

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