Robert Downey Jr. cast in Richard Linklater film about goat testicle doctor

Apparently deciding he needs something other than Marvel and the occasional Sherlock Holmes movie to creatively sustain him, Robert Downey Jr. is linking up with Richard Linklater for a new film. Variety reports the project is based on a recent installment of the Reply All podcast called “Man Of The People,” which aired January 19. The episode is about John R. Brinkley, a fraudulent doctor who surgically implanted goat testicles in men to purportedly alleviate impotence. His story was recently made into the documentary Nuts!.Variety does not say whether Downey will be playing Brinkley or the man who worked to expose him, Dr. Morris Fishbein. The wacky tale does seem like it aligns with both Linklater’s and Downey‘s sensibilities. Megan Ellison is producing.

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