Robert Kirkman knows “the end point” of the Walking Dead TV show

About a year ago, Robert Kirkman—the guy who writes the Walking Dead comic and is an executive producer on the TV show—announced that he had come up with a way to end the long-running comic series. He wouldn’t say what that ending will entail, but he did admit that he knows the basic roadmap for how he’ll get there. Now, Kirkman has said, well, pretty much the exact same thing about the TV show.

On a recent episode of Marc Maron’s WTF podcast, Kirkman said that “there is definitely an end point,” though he doesn’t know if it’ll come in five seasons or 50. He also claimed that, “when [the show is] all done, you’ll look back on it be like ‘what the hell, I thought they were just killing zombies. There’s totally an arc here…and I didn’t think the story was about this!’” So apparently a deeper meaning will reveal itself at some point, but hopefully that deeper meaning isn’t that humans are the real Walking Dead, because yeah, we get it. Finally, Kirkman even suggested that the show might “solve the zombie problem” at some point, which would be pretty shocking if it happens at any point before the finale. Plus, it’d really hammer in the idea that the humans are the real monsters, if that actually is the point. (It probably is.)

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