Rolling Stone settles University Of Virginia fraternity lawsuit for $1.65 million

Back in April, Rolling Stone settled the lawsuit filed against it by former University Of Virginia administrator Nicole Eramo, who had sued the magazine over its discredited 2014 story “A Rape On Campus.” That still left the defamation lawsuit filed by the UVA branch of fraternity Phi Kappa Psi, though, which had been named in the story and was suing for $25 million. That case was set to go to trial in October, but the Associated Press says that Rolling Stone has now settled that suit as well.

The magazine has agreed to pay $1.65 million to the fraternity, finally putting all angles of this whole mess to rest. In a statement, the fraternity said that its members are glad to put the “trying ordeal and its aftermath” behind them, and they said that they plan to donate “a significant portion” of the $1.65 million to “groups that provide sexual assault awareness education, prevention training and victim counseling services.”

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