Roman Polanski finally catches a break, lands all-star cast for next movie

Roman Polanski’s incredible luck just refuses to run out, with Deadline announcing that his next film God Of Carnage has officially signed on an all-star cast featuring Kate Winslet, Matt Dillon, Christoph Waltz, and (Hollywood’s reassuring hug for demonized men) Jodie Foster, which is a turn of events nearly as lucky as narrowly escaping a prison sentence for the rape of an underage girl all because of a technicality. As we reported earlier, God Of Carnage is based on the Tony Award-winning stage play about two sets of parents who meet after their children have a schoolyard fight. It was originally set in Paris during the play’s London debut, but that was changed to Brooklyn when it moved to Broadway; this cast is in keeping with Polanski’s intention to retain that New York setting but—and try to keep up here—because Polanski can’t enter New York without being hassled by The Man over that little rape-of-an-underage-girl thing, he’s actually relocating Carnage back to Paris, where he’ll make over the Paris streets to look like Brooklyn. We’d wish him luck, but we all know he doesn’t need it. So mostly we’ll wish good luck to Matt Dillon, whose decade-plus of movies like Armored and You, Me And Dupree definitely makes him the odd man out in this cast.

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