Roman Polanski's next movie is about a famous wrongfully persecuted man, if you get what he's saying

Now that the world has put the past behind it and finally come to terms with its wracked and nauseated feelings over the regrettable ugliness that was Carnage, Roman Polanski can move on to making his next film, secure in the knowledge that, if it's overshadowed by anything, it will just be that old pesky charge of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl. And perhaps in an effort to confront that controversy at long last, though not in a way that would lead to real consequence, Polanski is tackling it obliquely with his retelling of the Dreyfus Affair—the 1894 imprisonment of Capt. Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish officer in the French army who was accused of treason, and a historical case of wrongful persecution to which Polanski's own case has been compared by French people who are not so concerned with jejune facts. Polanski himself is even making that parallel explicit, saying that the film, entitled D, will be a "spy story" with relevance to "today's world—the age-old spectacle of the witch hunt on a minority group, security paranoia, secret military tribunals, out-of-control intelligence agencies, governmental cover-ups, and a rabid press." Polanski then spread his palms, cocked an accusatory eyebrow, and said, "Eh? Eh?" for approximately 20 minutes.

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