Romania offering free vaccinations and torture chamber tours at Dracula's castle

Romania offering free vaccinations and torture chamber tours at Dracula's castle
A welcoming village where absolutely nothing bad will happen to those who visit. Photo: Daniel Mihailescu

In a clear acknowledgement that it needs to right the wrong of centuries spent luring unsuspecting travelers into the domain of a bloodsucking monster, a Romanian town is now offering free COVID vaccines to visitors of the not-at-all-ominous Bran Castle.

Bran, which lays pretty dubious claim to being the site of historic Transylvania’s “real” Dracula’s castle, is currently hosting the medical drive as part of a national effort to boost vaccination rates. The BBC reports that “almost half of Romanians say they are not inclined to get the jab—one of the highest hesitancy levels in Europe.” In a real deal with the devil, the government has worked out an arrangement with the definitely existing Dracula himself to give no-appointment vaccinations as well as “free entry to the castle’s exhibit of 52 medieval torture instruments” every weekend this month.

The Guardian adds the welcome detail that “those who receive the vaccine” are also given “a certificate hailing their ‘boldness and responsibility’ [that promises] they will be welcome at the castle ‘for the coming 100 years.’” Other vaccination drives are taking place across the country at locations such as Bucharest’s National Library. We’re sure the National Library is a fantastic place to visit, but it sadly pales in comparison to being able to boast that your vaccine was administered in a place that also gives free medieval torture exhibition passes along with it.

In the past, Bran Castle has also provided visitors with Easter egg hunts, which really makes us think that the people who harbored the world’s most notorious vampire in their town are working overtime to try to make up for past crimes. To this, we say thank you, but also remind Bran that their ancestors were merely thralls to a demonic creature at the time and they really don’t need to keep beating themselves up over it.

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