Ron Perlman returns as Hellboy for awesome reason

Offering a surprisingly warm start to another week of cold show business news, Ron Perlman instantly became one of the nicest celebrities you know by agreeing to reprise his role as Hellboy—not for that promised third film, but for a daylong visit with a boy with leukemia, at the behest of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. After six-year-old Zachary told the organization of his desire "to meet and become Hellboy," they contacted visual effects house Spectral Motion, who then passed the word along to Perlman. And because he is awesome, the actor eagerly agreed to undergo the four-hour transformation to become Hellboy once again and spend the day with Zachary—who eventually got his own turn in the makeup chair—and thus Zachary accomplished what years of pestering Guillermo del Toro has not. You can check out more photos from their visit here, and should you have your own secret desire to have Ron Perlman put on his Beauty And The Beast makeup and come growl some poetry to you, who knows, it probably wouldn't hurt to ask. [via The Hollywood Reporter]

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