Rose McGowan doubles down on criticizing Hollywood sexism, tells critics to “bring it”

Rose McGowan isn’t backing down from calling out Hollywood’s sexism, but she does have some clarifications to make about getting dropped by her agent.

Last week, McGowan posted a sexist casting call on her Twitter, which she later claimed led to being fired by her agent at Innovative Arts. Innovative then released a statement asserting that the agent in question, Sheila Wenzel, was already in the process of moving on from the agency before McGowan’s initial tweet about the casting notice. “Sheila Wenzel, Rose McGowan’s primary agent, parted ways with Innovative before McGowan’s tweet yesterday,” the statement said. McGowan subsequently tweeted that Wenzel is a “good, strong woman” that she’s proud to know.

While it’s reassuring to know McGowan’s agent didn’t fire her for speaking out, none of this changes the fact that that casting note for a Adam Sandler movie was straight-up sexist and gross, and McGowan is soldiering on with her no-fucks-given attitude. Friday morning, McGowan told Good Morning America that she doesn’t care if she’s blacklisted for putting the casting call on blast. “I don’t care, bring it,” she said. “You want to to play, let’s play.”

McGowan said it isn’t just about her: She wants to make it better for other women in the industry. “I just want to make it better for the next girl coming after me, that she doesn’t have to sell her body and soul just because she wants to be a creative person. That isn’t the fine that you pay at the gate,” she said.

“Come on, Hollywood, get a better script. This one’s predictable,” she added, prompting Hollywood to need some ice for that burn.

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