Roy Wood Jr. imagines Thriller from the date's perspective

Last night, comedian and Daily Show correspondent Roy Wood Jr. whiled away his Wednesday evening the same way so many adults do, which is to say he spent a few hours obsessing over Michael Jackson’s 14-minute music-video classic “Thriller.” The result reimagines the iconic short film from the perspective of Jackson’s date, Ola Ray, who, following her frightening evening with the King of Pop, took to Twitter to share her cautionary tale.

Things get worse when they arrive at the movie theater, and the werewolf dude starts eating popcorn and acting like everything is fine. Classic gaslighting!

Wood’s description of the date from hell really starts to take shape when the newly zombified Jackson is suddenly joined by a crew of fellow deadbeats for a tightly rehearsed dance routine.

So many twists and turns! So much manipulation! Maybe next Woods can tell the story of “Bad” from the perspective of Wesley Snipes’ character, the innocent street tough who gets forced into a dance fight with a guy wearing pants that are way too-tight.

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