Rudy Giuliani sweats out hair dye while quoting My Cousin Vinny

Rudy Giuliani sweats out hair dye while quoting My Cousin Vinny
Fucking hell, dude. Photo: Drew Angerer

For the first time in as long as we can remember, Trump legal goon (and former New York City mayor) Rudy Giuliani has said something that isn’t some combo of hilarious and terrifying.

“Did you all watch My Cousin Vinny?” Giuliani asked reporters during a Thursday press conference. “It’s one of my favorite law movies, because he comes from Brooklyn.”

Hey, we like My Cousin Vinny, too, and we’re not even from Brooklyn! Joe Pesci and Marisa Tomei have a surprising and endearing chemistry that indulges in their archetypal New York sleaze while also infusing it with a spark of genuine vitality. It’s as gripping as a legal thriller as it is a comedy, buoyed by brilliant supporting turns by Fred Gwynne and Lane Smith in some of their final roles. Who couldn’t love it?

Sadly, Giuliani’s remark came during a press conference in which the lawyer continued to press his client’s baseless claims of voter fraud while providing no new evidence. The My Cousin Vinny remark was in reference to the scene in which Pesci’s character proves how poor a witness’ eyesight is by standing at the back of the courtroom and asking how many fingers he’d holding up, a question the witness gets wrong. Speaking of Republican poll watchers, he said, “These people were further away than My Cousin Vinny was from the witness. They couldn’t see a thing!” he said, apparently forgetting that Pesci’s character goes by Vinny Gambini, not “My Cousin Vinny.”

What made the moment all the more odd were the rivers of sweat, presumably made dark from Giuliani’s hair dye, rushing down his face. A truly grotesque sight, one made even more disgusting by his piss-poor Pesci impression.

The masses retched in response:

The Hollywood Reporter even got a hold of My Cousin Vinny director Jonathan Lynn. “I regard Giuliani’s praise of My Cousin Vinny as generous from the man who is currently giving the Comedy Performance of the Year.”

Christ, this shit is embarrassing. As we noted yesterday, Giuliani wishes he were as good a lawyer as Lionel Hutz.

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