Russell Brand hired to provide mirth, musk to MTV Movie Awards

In keeping with the new, more sophisticated MTV Movie Awards, the network has retained British person Russell Brand to provide the evening's merriment in classic music hall tradition, with Brand's bawdy japes at the assembled aristocracy and loose-limbed foppishness leavening the mood in much the same way it did in his day, before he became the reanimated bones of a pantomime dame lashed together with scarves and levitated in a cloud of ether. Brand, of course, is no stranger to making gentle, obvious mockery of American pop stars, having presided over two MTV Video Music Awards broadcasts and somehow managed to upset young girls on the Internet by poking fun at the Jonas Brothers. And during his last hosting tenure, he famously used that derring-do to impress and subsequently wed Katy Perry, suggesting the newly single Brand could similarly exploit the June 3 gig as his own personal speed-dating service. What lucky damsel will be summoned to Brand's agarwood-scented salon, where Brand will make cheekily ribald suggestions while fanning himself with an ostrich feather? Begin whispering excitedly below.

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