Ryan Adams drops science (-fiction heavy-metal concept album)

Via Pitchfork: Following the long, nerd-honored tradition of the heavy-metal sci-fi concept album, confused singer-songwriter Ryan Adams has unleashed ORION, a record he's been threatening the world with since at least March. Recorded in 2006 and featuring artwork from Michel Langevin, drummer of Voivod—a band that's no stranger to the HMSFCA—the record is currently available on vinyl only (with download included) from Adams' website, where ORION is advertised as being his first "fully realized" work of metallic fiction. Honestly, though, it's not clear that Adams has fully realized anything in the past few years—especially the fact that he's totally and perhaps irrevocably lost his fucking mind. Still, the song sample in the Pitchfork article sounds pretty sweet. Not particularly metal, of course, but sweet nonetheless.

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