Ryan Lochte officially apologizes, sort of, for lying about being robbed in Rio

We’ve reached the tail end of the 2016 Olympics in Rio, which featured some truly inspiring moments, like the U.S. women’s gymnastics team—including Simone Biles—vaulting their way past all the competition. And NBC tried to perk up its coverage by inviting Leslie Jones serve as a commentator, where she had a tête-à-tête with Matthew McConaughey. But it hasn’t all been medals and mettle, as we also learned that 12-time Olympic gold medalist Ryan Lochte and a few of his teammates lied about being robbed while in Rio.

The four swimmers tried to cover up a drunken altercation with security at a gas station by claiming they’d been robbed at gunpoint. Lochte, in true “whatever” fashion, wasn’t as forthcoming with the truth as his teammates; as two of his teammates admitted the lie to authorities in Rio (but only after being pulled off their plane), Lochte had already returned to the United States. The New York Times has gathered details from the Brazilian investigation, including testimony from a witness who says he attempted to translate for the American swimmers. They tried to flee, but the guards prevented them from doing so, which was when the athletes tried to pay for the damages they caused (including sign that Lochte busted).

Although Lochte revised his story between national interviews—he went from having a gun pointed at his forehead to being waved in his general direction—he maintained that he had been robbed. It was only after his compatriots ’fessed up that Lochte was inclined to issue a new statement. Which he did on Instagram, in true Lochte fashion.

Lochte’s language isn’t exactly laden with remorse; in fact, he still seems to be under the impression that someone with a gun “demanded” money from him. Also, he mostly seems to be apologizing for not being more articulate, we guess?, in his cover story. He does make sure to thank the International Olympic Committee as well as the people of Brazil for welcoming him, which will almost certainly make up for the “valuable resources” Lochte admits were squandered in this wild goose chase.

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