Ryan Seacrest: The Man Who Would Be King?

Buried in this fawning New York Times piece about Larry King (where CNN does its best to downplay the idea that the 73-year-old newscaster—a former four-pack-a-day smoker with a history of heart trouble, cardiac bypass, and who most recently had surgery to flush a blocked artery—probably won't live much longer) is King's announcement of his preferred replacement: none other than American Idol empathy-bot Ryan Seacrest. King had this to say about America's favorite frosted flake:

"He's the classic generalist," Mr. King said, his eyes peering through rectangular lenses that evoke flat-panel televisions. "The only thing I don't know, and I've gotten to know him pretty well, is how versed he is in politics, world affairs. Does he read the paper? Is he interested in Iraq? Because if he is, he's going to be very good."

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