Sam Bee chokes back Trump-vomit as she dutifully rings alarms over the GOP's election-rigging plot

Look, nobody wants to talk about Trump less than Bee

Sam Bee chokes back Trump-vomit as she dutifully rings alarms over the GOP's election-rigging plot
Samantha Bee Screenshot: Full Frontal With Samantha Bee

Samantha Bee had to supply her own “boo”s on Thursday’s Full Frontal. Noting that the pandemic has continued to leave her without a live studio audience, Bee yet dutifully produced the visceral gag reflex a Full Frontal crowd would have undoubtedly produced as she took a deep breath to dive once more into the toxic morass that is Donald Trump’s hold on the Republican Party. Noting that spending four full years coping with the Trump administration’s “tireless effort making everyone’s lives absolute shit” was the sort of experience we’re all glad is finally over, Bee yet told all of us that it’s already time to climb into our stained and distressed protective gear once again.

As Bee cautioned, Trump is already gearing up for a 2024 run, largely by laying the groundwork for another January 6-style white supremacist yahoo insurrection. Apart from recently promising to pardon the last crop of increasingly convicted and jailed MAGA shit-smearers and noose-stringers at one of his super-spreader hate rallies, Bee noted that Trump’s also sowing constant distrust in our election process (which, to be fair, keeps revealing that millions more people vote against him than not). Not to mention threatening to jail those prosecutors who are currently doing their job by throwing Trump’s hardcore base of seditious terrorist goons in prison.

Now, some might call that an overreaction. After all, what do words like “seditious,” “traitorous,” and “worthless, spray-tanned would-be dictator” mean these days anyway? Well, as Bee went on to explain, recent revelations show just how close Trump came to actually seizing voting machines with the military in order to keep himself in power after he got his ass roundly kicked in 2020. Bee marveled at the report that it was disgraced Trump henchman and just-revealed reality show laughingstock Rudy Giuliani who had to talk Trump out of sending in troops to grab those voting machines, banana republic-style. And, honestly, if Rudy-freakin’-Giuliani is one of the last guardrails preventing your democracy from hurtling right into military dictatorship, then your country is, to coin a technical term, totally fucked.

But, as Bee assured everyone, certainly the Republican Party, seeing how pants-wettingly close American democracy came to crumbling under the weight of a malignant narcissist reality show clown and multiply accused sexual predator, will rally this time to belatedly defend the Constitution and our shockingly fragile democracy. Bwah-ha-HAAAAA. Sorry, sometimes you just can’t sustain that level of irony without breaking out in madness-tinged despair-laughter. As Bee went on to show, the GOP is currently all-in, not only on their traitorous orange boy, but in a pell-mell rush to gerrymander, vote-suppress, and outright thuggishly steal the 2022 midterms.

Again, is Bee being alarmist? Well, as the host outlined ongoing GOP plots to install Big Lie-spouting Trump minions to oversee elections, seize the power to outright overrule state election boards and just pick their own winners, mobilize GOP-directed private election armies, make voting harder (especially in populations and districts Republicans perennially lose), and run every racist, fascist-adjacent kook for offices all over the country, we’re gonna say no, no it is not. And if you’ve got a relative telling you that Georgia’s new ban on giving refreshments to people stuck in those GOP-engineered interminable voting lines is to keep people who’ve just waited eight hours to exercise their constitutional rights from being bribed by a bottle of water, then you know just how insidiously all this right-wing mind-poison has seeped into the body politic.

Now, Bee is the first person to admit that she’s the last person who wants to crawl back into this gorge-inducing election-year slime. But, noting that GOP efforts to go full boot-licking authoritarian are already making the concept of a Trump 2024 nomination and election cycle a very real possibility, the host told us that, while it’s been refreshing only being routinely disappointed at the traditional, old school Washington gridlock since the election of Joe Biden, there’s really no time to rest and fume. “What he’s doing right now is a real and dangerous threat,” Bee exhorted, warning, “We cannot survive another four years of a Trump presidency.” Plus, and even more ominously, Bee reminded everyone that we certainly can’t survive another four years of Trump jokes. Boo, indeed.

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