Sam Bee delivers the message that December 8 is the deadline to junk Postmaster Louis DeJoy

Considering what DeJoy's done to the USPS, you should probably just call the White House

Sam Bee delivers the message that December 8 is the deadline to junk Postmaster Louis DeJoy
Samantha Bee Screenshot: Full Frontal

Samantha Bee knows that you haven’t been receiving her letters reminding you that there’s a farcically corrupt greed-head in charge of the United States Postal Service. For one thing, she has a TV show, not a physically mailed current events comedy newsletter. But, even if Full Frontal were a late-night ’zine, Bee knows you’d probably still be waiting for the newest issue, what with Trump-nominated saboteur and privatization fetishist Louis DeJoy acting as Postmaster General and major impediment to timely mail delivery.

Bee brought on President of the New York Metro Area Postal Union, Jonathan Smith, to talk about just why this year’s family holiday letter (and, you know, your life-saving medication) is likely to be late of late. Starting out by delivering the dad joke that wealthy GOP donor DeJoy “brings no DeJoy” to postal workers or customers this holiday season, Smith told Bee seriously, “I believe that he was sent to sabotage, not just the Postal Service, but the people’s confidence in the Postal Service.”

For an employee to publicly tell corny jokes at the expense of the governmental head of his industry might be considered unprecedented, if not for the fact that DeJoy’s tenure as Postmaster has, from the jump, been widely derided as one of the shiftiest, greediest, and most un-democratic moves in recent years. (Plus, unions are a very good thing.) DeJoy, who continues to hold financial stake in companies that would directly benefit from, say, a delay-ridden and untrustworthy Postal Service, was installed by twice-a impeached former president desperate to discourage mail-in voting. You know, to try and steal a United States presidential election by suppressing votes from people and communities he knew he’d lose otherwise.

As Smith explained, DeJoy’s very first action as Trump’s Postmaster was to remove automated mail sorting equipment from strategic branches, command empty postal trucks to leave branches on his new schedule anyway, and to eliminate overtime. “He put all these policies into place to make it harder for us to do our job,” explained Smith, noting that the only people who’ll benefit from such a deliberate slowdown are private delivery companies. (And certainly not the elderly, overseas troops, small businesses, and people in rural areas, all of whom are most affected by DeJoy’s monkey-wrenching.)

And that brings Bee to one Ron Bloom, current chair of the USPS Board of Governors, who, in addition to being another rich white guy and friend of Louis DeJoy, also spearheaded the money-grubbing privatization of the U.K. mail system. Bee went on to explain that everybody’s cries for now President Joe Biden to just junk mail DeJoy right into the recycling bin of unwanted, time-wasting nonsense ignores the fact that he can’t actually do that. (Smith reminds us that the USPS is a constitutionally mandated public service, and not a for-profit business.)

What those of us wondering where the hell our latest copy of Irate Postal Customer Monthly can do is call the White House to urge President Biden to nominate a replacement for the complicit-in-DeJoy’s-bullshit Bloom, whose term runs out on December 8. Bee did note that Smith was advising people to call, rather than write to, the White House, as that deadline only leaves a couple of weeks for the message to get there.

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