Sam Worthington, actor of the moment, to play Dan Dare, Pilot of the Future

Sam Worthington, actor of the moment, to play Dan Dare, Pilot of the Future

According to Deadline, Sam Worthington is attached to play British comic-book hero Dan Dare, Pilot of the Future, in a big-budget movie version. Worthington, who ranks among the four or five most employable actors in the world, will bring his usual showing-up-to-work-ness to the role of Dare, the lantern-jawed flyboy of the Interplanet Space Fleet who defended Earth against invasion by The Mekon. Since Dare’s debut in the 1950s, the character has undergone many metamorphoses, from the stiff-upper-lipped, violence-eschewing Boy Scout of the original Eagle comics to the more jaded, anti-authoritarian version that Grant Morrison first envisioned in 1990. Worthington has confirmed that it’s this grittily rebooted Dare—specifically the Dare that appeared in a recent miniseries from Garth Ennis—that will form the basis for the film. Hopefully that means we can expect a similarly heavy update of this song, maybe by someone like Daughtry.

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