Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana will be in many more Avatar movies

Confirming that neither of them have grown a sudden aversion to enormous piles of money, Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana have both signed on to reprise their roles in all three sequels to James Cameron's CGI blockbuster Avatar.

Cameron had previously signed Stephen Lang to all three sequels as well, to reprise his role of Guy Who Gets Killed In the First Movie. Lang's character will most likely be revived through some mystical sci-fi mumbo-jumbo, but it's still possible that he'll be the Avatar series' Kenny, getting killed in every episode and appearing unharmed at the start of the next.

Still, Cameron is most excited about getting his two leads back, praising Worthington's "sensitivity, vulnerability and strength," and Saldana's "delicacy, fierceness and incredible physicality." Not to mention the fact that it's inadvisable to do a sequel without the main characters from the first movie, so he pretty much needed those two to play ball.

Avatar 2 is set for a December 2016 release, and sequels will continue to come out every December until the word "oversaturation" has lost all meaning.

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