Samantha Bee breaks down the breakdown of Trumpcare on Full Frontal

Samantha Bee breaks down the breakdown of Trumpcare on Full Frontal

Samantha Bee took some time to gleefully eulogize Trumpcare on Full Frontal Wednesday, burying it in a metaphorical cemetery alongside Trump Vodka and Trump Steaks. In the segment, the host managed, quite deftly, to weave analogies to Thelma & Louise, this year’s Super Bowl, and Glengarry Glen Ross. She also left us with the haunting image of a sobbing Paul Ryan cradling an Ayn Rand doll.

Bee went in on the president’s excuses for why his effort to to repeal and replace Obamacare failed so hilariously and miserably. His claim that the second and third phases of his bill would have been more impressive yielded her assertion: “I believe that’s known as the I’m a grower not a shower defense.” She also tackled his fundamental misunderstanding of the Freedom Caucus, which is in fact the very target of his ire today.

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