Samantha Bee calls out fellow white women for the "crazy bitch shit" of QAnon moms

Samantha Bee calls out fellow white women for the "crazy bitch shit" of QAnon moms
Samantha Bee Screenshot: Full Frontal With Samantha Bee

Full Frontal With Samantha Bee host Sam Bee is no stranger to calling out her peers in the outspoken white woman community whenever they start migrating en masse into an all-too-predictable rabbit hole of “right-wing disinformation and grievance politics.” Noting how, as Helen Lovejoy has taught us over the years, white American women have found themselves susceptible to all manner of not-so-surreptitiously racist, xenophobic, and/or just plain loony conspiracies and stereotypes under the cover of protecting children, Bee went all-in on Wednesday’s show. Bee lambasted how easily “bullshit right-wing conspiracy theory” du jour QAnon has folded an influx of white female supporters into its toxic online brew of paranoia, scapegoating, and the occasional accusation that major furniture chains are shipping unfortunate children in tastefully affordable armoires.

Now, Bee could just go after Reps. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), as those particular white women are currently elected members of the House Of Representatives and that should make everyone in those two states shuffle their feet embarrassedly. And, sure, it’s fun (in a “we are so screwed” way) to lob easy buckets over the dunce-capped heads of QAnon-adjacent dummies with gun fetishes and widely ridiculed internet rants about (checks notes, twice) “Jewish space lasers.” But Bee, as is her way, dug deeper into the internet-driven campaign of white supremacist indoctrination couched in the pastel color-coded language of protecting kids to spread her disdain over a much wider field of her fellow white women.

Bee noted how the actual Save The Children nonprofit (which seeks to actually, you know, save some children) has had its hashtag appropriated by people who claim that Bill Gates, Tom Hanks, the Wayfair furniture and nondescript area rug company, Joe Biden, the Democratic Party as a whole, and your local pizza establishment are all engaged in mass child trafficking and cannibalism. Bee also showed, through clips of suburban women now in QAnon-recovery, how concerned (overwhelmingly white) moms click on the associated links—greatly aided by the social media algorithms of cuckoo-gateway Facebook—and are steered into a morass of actual predators peddling hurtful nonsense that’s “insidious, pervasive, and loaded with undertones of white supremacy.” Bee showed more clips of un-deprogrammed QAnon-ed white women emerging (mask-less, naturally) at rallies against everything from COVID masking and vaccinations, to organizations fighting actual child trafficking, to, inevitably, non-whites. As Bee put it, whenever someone is pushing white resentment and alternate realities, “racism is right around the corner.” Especially if you live right around the corner from Congress, apparently.

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