Samantha Bee covers women’s historical achievements the way the media covered Hillary Clinton’s

Samantha Bee has been a blessing unto our thrice-divided nation in this hour of turmoil and acrimony. Lo, in the absence of her forebear Jon Stewart, speaking from the helm of her very own late night show, she has accorded viewers with her humorous wisdom, such that they may have a better understanding comprehension of all the stupid shit that’s going in this fucked-up election cycle.

Yesterday, Bee and her Full Frontal writing team responded to the media’s response to Hillary Clinton becoming America’s first female presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, by posting “Other Female Firsts Covered Like Hillary’s Historic Nomination,” a reimagining of news blurbs about trailblazing women that beat down the path for Clinton. And, like the best of the stuff on her comedy news program, it quickly and concisely finds the crux of this matter, latches onto it, and drags it shrieking to the ground.

MAY 20, 1932
DERRY, Northern Ireland — “Amelia Earhart completed her solo non-stop flight across the Atlantic yesterday afternoon. Her landing was met with skepticism by aviation enthusiasts who claimed her aircraft gave her an ‘unfair advantage.’”

JUNE 18, 1983
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida — “Sally Ride makes history as first American female in orbit. But is space ready for a woman?”

Read the whole thing here, and then share with your friends and family on social media before getting into protracted, bitter arguments about feminism, patriarchal privilege, and eventually Benghazi for some reason.

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